Pampering Your Cat or Dog

4 Signs Your Pet Needs Emergency Veterinary Care

Pets, including cats and dogs, are a man's best friends. However, it can be challenging to determine when your pet needs emergency veterinary care. Emergencies happen unexpectedly, and even the most attentive pet owners might fail to determine when their pets require immediate care. 

Knowing some of these symptoms early in advance can help address health issues in pets effectively and guarantee proper veterinary care. Here are four signs that it's time to call your local veterinarian for emergency veterinary services for your pet: 

Pet Seizures 

One thing that will horrify and freak out any pet owner is seeing their pet having a seizure. If this happens, you want to ensure that your pet is not close to objects they might knock onto and suffer more injuries. Often, your pet might urinate, defaecate and drool when experiencing seizures. Therefore, close monitoring is essential before your veterinarian arrives. 

Additionally, make sure that other pets and kids are kept away from the pet experiencing a seizure. If your vet specialist looks like they might take a while to arrive in your home, don't wait any longer. It would help if you immediately took your pet to the nearest pet clinic for urgent examination and treatment. 

Toxin Ingestion

If you notice or suspect that your pet accidentally ingested a toxic substance, don't hesitate to call an emergency vet for immediate treatment. Your home might contain various toxic substances that your pets might get exposed to, including alcohol, prescription drugs, chocolate or rat bait. 

These substances pose a grave danger to your pet's health. Therefore, contact a local vet for proper diagnosis and remedy when you find out that your pet has ingested any of these substances. 

Sudden Rashes And Skin Hair Changes 

While most rashes on your pet's skin can result from allergic reactions from food or exposure to other substances, rashes that don't simply go away can signify a severe underlying condition. 

Rashes can cause excessive irritation and itchy skin, causing unnecessary suffering for your pet. If this happens, contact your veterinarian immediately to look into the problem's causes and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.  

Acute Vomiting And Diarrhea

Finally, when your pet starts vomiting or experiences acute diarrhea, you need to contact your local vet immediately. Your pet might start vomiting blood, become lethargic and be unable to keep its water down. Most puppies that aren't fully vaccinated might also experience such symptoms. Therefore, consider calling your pet specialist to diagnose the problem and recommend the best solutions.