Pampering Your Cat or Dog

Reasons to Take Your Dog to an Agility Training Club

There are many great reasons to take your pet to a dog agility training club. Whether your dog needs some socialisation or getting back into shape, this type of exercise can help your pet become the best it can be. Here are the top ten reasons why you should take your pet out for a visit to the doggy dojo at least once.

1. It's a great way to exercise while socialising

Dog agility training clubs usually promote the idea that pets should be active and regularly make new friends. Dogs are social creatures, and they need some mental stimulation. Playing with other dogs is a great outlet for them while also giving your pet a workout at the same time.

2. It helps to keep your pet fit and healthy

While getting out for a walk every day is great and all, you'd be surprised how many busy people don't take their dogs out on exercise runs as often as they should. Putting your dog through its paces at the dog agility club will help maintain its vital basics like breathing, heart rate and metabolism.

3. It helps relieve stress

In the same way that humans can benefit from exercising, dogs can benefit from some playtime with other dogs or even just some one-on-one time with their favourite humans.

4. It's fun for owners and their pets to work together

Dog agility clubs are a great way for you and your pet to learn how to work together as a team. You can both get some exercise, strengthen your bond and learn all about each other, which will make you both feel more secure in each other's presence. You'll have a better understanding of your pet's movements, as well as the ability to learn even more about what makes it tick.

5. It motives you to do more with your dog

Dog agility training clubs will usually help you see your dog's full potential. Seeing your dog run, jump, climb, and even crawl will motivate you to do more activities together to help both of you get the most out of life.

Being active with your pet is a great way to spend time together while both of you benefit from it! Consider enrolling in a class at a local club. If you want to find out more, a trainer will be happy to answer any questions you may have.